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The Análogas exhibition took place at Espaço do Servidor, Annex II of the Chamber of Deputies, from March to April 2019. The partnership between artists Barbara Haro and Luiza Urban began within the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná and was established at the Museum Alfredo Andersen, where the artists worked and were able to talk about their productions. Thinking of the opposites of the figurative and abstract works, the conciliation of these concepts was made from their possible analogies. Seeking a relationship of similarity between different conceptions, the exhibition intends to develop dialogues about them, weaving their compositional and subjective similarities in the forms of expression of each artist.

catálago da exposição "Análogas"


The Galeria das Minas project was created in early 2018, as an initiative to disseminate, through its Instagram page, the work of women visual artists. During this year it was possible to discover many wonderful artists, projects, galleries and magazines, and in addition, to realize the existence of a potential network, where these artists could, in addition to publicize their work, meet other women with incredible and inspiring works. With this, the idea to expand this work arose, transforming it into a monthly online magazine, with content about the art that is made by women from all corners of the world.

Galeria das Minas - edição de setembro

memórias tangíveis: relações entre a pintura e a fotografia


Abstract: The poetic research intends to talk about memory through artistic works that discuss issues of photography and painting. through a historical introduction guided by the theoreticians Laura González Flores and Susan Sontag, the correlation between the genres is established for the understanding of their influence in the poetic process. Noting the constant presence of floral representations in my trajectory, I perceive the relationship between memory, ephemerality and symbolism of the feminine. When the pictorial reference to Ophelia emerges, critical thinking emerges regarding her behavior, developing a feminist look in relation to my production. Talking about the interpretation of memory in a poetic way in my works, guided by the considerations of Roland Barthes, there is a work with a more critical bias that relates the memories with speeches of oppression to women.

Keywords: Memory. Painting. Photography. Portrait.

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