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    - "Galeria das Minas" magazine, September edition.

    - "I'm Seen While I See Where I'm Not" , collective work of the Em-Cadeia group exposed on a digital platform.

    - Exhibition "Arte Londrina 8", at the State University of Londrina, organized by Danillo Villela and Michele Sommer.

    - Artistic Residency at the Alfredo Andersen Museum, next to Luiza Urban in March.



     - Contemporary Visual Arts Exhibition ECAV 2019, at Mem Curitiba, organization Professional Association of Plastic Artists of Paraná.


    - Exhibition "InterSecção" at the School of Music and Fine Arts of the Paraná.


    - Exhibition "DESVIO" at the University Student House.


    - Exhibition "Análogas" at Espaço do Servidor in the Chamber of Deputies, organized by the Cultural Center of the Chamber of Deputies.



     - Exhibition "DUAS" at Galeria Belas Artes, organized by Barbara Haro and Luiza Urban.



     - Exhibition "Until the doors" at the Belas Artes Gallery, organized by Fátima Junqueira.

    - Exhibition "Immersion in color" at Galeria Belas Artes, organized by Lilian Gassen.

acervos e coleções públicas

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     - Centro Cultural Câmara dos Deputados, Brasília, Brazil.



    - Selected in PROEC Public Notice nº 22/2019

    - Notice for the Selection of Temporary Exhibitions at the UFPR Art Museum, for the period 2020-2021, with the exhibition project “Entre x e y”;

    - Ranked 4th in the Visual Arts area in Edital nº 222/19 - Subsidized Patronage - Beginner Modality - from Fundação Cultural de Curitiba, with the exhibition project “Atritos”, for the year 2021;

    - Invited to speak at Ubuntu's “The place to look” session - Group of non-face-to-face activities of Image disciplines in the Lic course. in Visual Arts at Embap - Unespar (@ubuntu_grupo_imagem) - Sep / 2020;

    - Invited to give a lecture in the form of live at “So far, so close” (@ taolonge.taoperto), a movement created by UTFPR's Design courses to offer free, during social isolation, activities related to design, art, creativity and mental health - Oct / 2020

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